[Proposal] Upgrade Cyclone Protocol on IoTeX Mainnet to v2


Cyclone is the leading #PriFi protocol that offers cross-chain + zkSNARKs-based privacy, with yield enhancement, governed by the decentralized DAO. Cyclone has been successfully launched on IoTeX, BSC and Ethereum.


This proposal suggests upgrading Cyclone Protocol on IoTeX mainnet to v2 for the sleek UI and improved token economics to incentivize anonymity providers, on May 4, 2021. Concretely, this upgrade includes the upgrade to the new UI, launch of new anonymity pools, and new liquidity mining pool.

Upgrade to New UI

Upgrade to the new UI for all pools on IoTeX mainnet (http://cyclone.xyz/iotx), which has a fresh, spacious interface to provide users with a streamlined experience.

Launch New Anonymity Pools (Cookie Pools)

Pool Biscuit

Asset: native IOTX coin

Asset Denomination: 50,000 IOTX

Life Cycle: 90 days

Anonymity Mining v2: 0.2 CYC per day

Entry Fee: 0.002 CYC which is deposited to treasury DAO

Relayer Fee: 1 IOTX

Pool Snickerdoodle

Asset: native IOTX coin

Asset Denomination: 500,000 IOTX

Life Cycle: 90 days

Anonymity Mining v2: 1 CYC per day

Entry Fee: 0.02 CYC which is deposited to treasury DAO

Relayer Fee: 1 IOTX

Pool Gingersnaps

Asset: VITA

Asset Denomination: 2,000,000 VITA

Coin Denomination: 100 IOTX

Life Cycle: 90 days

Anonymity Mining v2: 0.05 CYC per day

Entry Fee: 0.001 CYC which is deposited to treasury DAO

Relayer Fee: 1 IOTX

Retire Fish and Birds Pools

Launch New Liquidity Pool

The Vote

This proposal needs to be approved via a vote by the community before execution.


Please discuss this proposal in this forum thread.


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